Its Time to Do Something the Democrats Never Did

  • Comments: 6
  • Written on: November 4th, 2008

Well, the lights are out and the party is over – for McCain supporters anyway. Just a few words of clarity the day after an election.

Right now is the time to pray for for our president elect and hope that he has the ability to lead us forward for the next 4 years.

There will be mistakes, but in the end we are all Americans and we are one nation under God. Let’s do something that the Democrats never did – let’s unite behind our president and heal as a nation.

The sun will come up tomorrow. Just because the election is over does not mean the battle of ideas has ended. This election shows that when you line a moderate up against a liberal, the liberal wins every time. This is a phyrric victory that illustrates the need for a strong conservative candidate in the next presidential election.

The voters have given Obama a chance and I think it will shock many people how few things will change under Obama in the short term.

Healing does not mean agreeing necessarily, but it does mean that we must support our president despite how we feel about him. He will have his referendum in 4 years and in the mean time we all need to be watching, listening, and most of all remembering so we can hold him accountable to his word.

From this conservative in exile, congratulations to Barack Obama and all of his supporters on a campaign well done.

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