SEO Case Study to be Complete by January 31

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  • Written on: January 3rd, 2007

Schrock Innovations has been developing web sites for our clients for a few years now, and in mid-2006 we started offering advanced SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services. One of the biggest challenges that new website owners face is driving visitors to their new websites. After all, what good is it to develop a $2,000 website if no one comes to see it?

Websites are investments to business owners, and investments are expected to perform. To help meet this demand, Schrock Innovations started building a proprietary system to provide a quick way for business owners to get their websites ranked well in the search engines. For example, when you do a Google search for “remove” the #1 site listed is a Schrock Innovations tutorial. This does not happen by accident, contrary to popular belief.

We have always offered a degree of promotion to any individual who develops a website through Schrock Innovations. For example, when you develop a website through Schrock you receive free SEO for your website, a free appearance on our radio show on KFOR, and free links on our portfolio page. The point of this marketing is to drive visitors to your website and generate word-of-mouth activity.

But after that initial pop, it can be difficult to maintain that level of success without a marketing investment. Rather than spending thousands of dollars on radio advertising, or placing expensive advertisements in the newspaper, it makes much more sense to go after the consumers who are already on line and who are already looking for the product or service you offer.

That is where our advanced SEO services come in. We provide thousands of backlinks (links to your website from other websites) that Google and other search engines will find over time. As these website links are found, Google considers them votes for your website. When these votes accumulate to a certain point, Google will begin elevating the ranking of your website for a given search term. While some search terms are more competitive than others, a small investment can yield a significant increase in website traffic.

Consider this example. If you buy a yellow pages advertisement for your business, you are attempting to place your business in front of the eyes of consumers in your area who are already interested in your products and services. You sign a contract for a certain term, and pay the yellow pages company monthly. Now consider that more and more people turn to an Internet search using a major search engine instead of looking up something in the yellow pages. If you are one of the top results in that online search, the chances that you will bring that customer to your website are pretty good. This is the equivalent to a yellow pages ad generating a phone call. So in essence, advanced SEO services for your website is kind of like buying a yellow pages ad for your telephone number – except without the “we don’t raise your price, we reduce your discount” racket (any one who has ever bought a yellow pages ad knows exactly what I mean).

We will have more information about our advanced SEO services and a detailed case study that shows the difference search engine marketing can make to your business. Stay tuned…

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