The Sweetest Sound… Da Da!

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: February 1st, 2007

I came home last Tuesday at 8:30 after a long day of fixing PCs and closing website deals and prepared myself to switch gears and give my wife a baby break. As usual, she tells me “you will never believe what Jake did today!” turns out he said Da Da again. I had never actually heard him, but almost everyone else in our family had.

That night he looked right at me and said Da Duh. In that one instant my entire day melted away and it was so nice to be home. Jacob is almost 6 months old now, and he is one heck of a good kid. It really says something when people with toddlers come up to my wife at the grocery store and ask how she gets the baby to be so good.

I am truly blessed to have a happy and healthy family. Sometimes its the little things that help you put life in perspective, and this was one of those things.

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