ExpertAntivirus Joins the SmitFraud Ranks as Latest Variant Plaguing Internet Users

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: April 28th, 2007


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I have just found reports surfacing on the Internet (2 of them TOTAL to be precise) that a new variant of the SmitFraud class of infections is beginning to circulate.

This new infection is called ExpertAntivirus, and it attempts to convince you that your computer is filled with troublesome viruses, when in fact it is not. The program than attempts to convince the computer user that they need to buy the full version of ExpertAntivirus to remove the infections.

Users infected with this new variant will be annoyed by almost constant security pop-ups stating that the computer is infected until the ExpertAntivirus is either removed or purchased.

I recommend that you DO NOT spend any money to purchase the ExpertAntivirus program. This is an ongoing ploy that has been causing computer users trouble for years now.

Attempting to remove the ExpertAntivirus program through Add/Remove programs or by simply deleting the program will not be successful. a Remove ExpertAntivirus tutorial is available on the Schrock Innovations website that provides instructions on removing the infection at no cost.

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