Schrock Innovations Provides Support For Extreme Makeover Home Edition

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: October 27th, 2006

Unless you are living under a rock, you probably already know that the home of the Machacek and Fullerton families in Lincoln, NE is currently being demolished by Ty and the gang with Extreme Home Makeover Edition. What you probably have not thought about is the technology it takes to keep a build like this on track, and that most of it comes from local providers like Schrock Innovations.

But first, a little background on the families involved… These two families desperately want to be married and live together as a single family. The Machacek family’s home in Havelock has a buckling foundation that has opened cracks in the walls of the home. The Fullerton family lives in an apartment, and does not have the needed space to house the five total children between both families.

Ty and his crew from Extreme Makeover Home Edition are going to knock down the old Machacek home and build a safe, new home in its place. Hartland Homes is doing the build for the show, which is scheduled to air sometime in January.

To complete the new build within the one week time frame it is estimated that they will need more than 1,500 total volunteers. Whenever Extreme Home Makeover Edition comes to town, they seek the help and assistance of organizations that are established in the community. Ty’s team called on the Home Builder’s Association of Lincoln to organize the needed volunteers, and the Home Builder’s Association tapped Schrock Innovations to provide the technology they needed to get the job done.

We delivered three laptops to the HBAL team on October 25th so they could start the planning process. They plan on using the laptops to keep track of the volunteers, their schedules, and abilities for Ty’s team.

Just when I thought we were going to be able to sit back and watch this amazing process move forward, there was a problem. Hartland Home’s technology provider (a local competitor of Schrock Innovations) suddenly went out of business and failed to deliver the technology they had promised. Alissa from HBAL called me this afternoon and asked if we would be willing to help.

If you stop by our Service Center to buy a notebook, you might notice that we don’t have any on display. That’s Beccause we scrambled everything we had – our notebooks, our technicians, our vehicles, and our management – to make certain that Hartland Homes had everything they needed to keep this process moving on schedule.

With all of that said, additional help is always appreciated, so if you have a spare afternoon or evening sometime in the next week, or just a few dollars to donate, you can sign up for a shift or a donation at The Hartland Homes Website.

Its awesome to be a part of something larger than yourself, and Schrock Innovations is proud to be involved with this build!

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