I Will Be Speaking at the Knolls Country Club Today

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: October 13th, 2006

I have been invited to speak to a rotary club at the Knolls Country Club today. This is the second time I have spoken to this group in the past five years, and they always have excellent questions afterwards.

I will be talking about the importance of considering a Modular PC when it is time to buy a new computer. Rather than heading to the box store and buying a “canned” PC, consumers can get an amazing value by choosing a Modular computer.

The average consumer can save more than $1,000 over the course of 3 years by buying a Modular computer. Most consumers and businesses upgrade or replace ther computers every 2-3 years. By selecting a computer that is designed t be upgraded the costs of maintenance and upgrades can be significantly reduced.

Big Things Coming From Schrock Innovations in the Next Few Weeks!

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  • Written on: September 28th, 2006

When I first started this blog I promised that readers would get a glimpse behind the scenes at Schrock, and maybe even a heads up to things that were in the works before they were “officially” announced. We have 4 major announcements lined up that will be released at various times between now and February 2007.

Some of these will be more impressive than others, but I can assure you that many of these announcements will further entrench Schrock Innovations as Lincoln’s #1 Independent Computer repair company (as voted in the 2006 KFOR Best of Lincoln) and will further elevate our standing in the community as corporate leaders and industry experts.

Schrock Needs One More Holiday Computer Special Beta Tester

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  • Written on: September 4th, 2006

We have finalized the specifications for this year’s Holiday special, and I need one more person who wants a computer that will run circles around anything else out there for years to come.

As many of you know, each year at Schrock we put together an amazing computer for the holiday season and sell a limited number of them at our cost. The system always retails for $1,499.99, and has become know in Lincoln and Omaha as a unique opportunity to lay your hands on an extremely advanced system.

Why Businesses Can’t Ignore Their Websites – a LIBA Presentation

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  • Written on: August 11th, 2006

Schrock Innovations is sponsoring August’s LIBA Lunch meeting next Tuesday. I will be addressing the membership about the often underestimated value of a website as part of a well rounded marketing plan. I also had a corresponding article published as part of this month’s LIBA Magazine that is mailed to the membership.

Although the majority of my prepared remarks have been ready for well over 2 weeks, I will have an 8 lb 12 oz. helper who will help me drive home the value of a well constructed and deployed website.

Notebook Line Marks Fundamental Shift at Schrock Innovations

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  • Written on: July 23rd, 2006

If you fail to ride the wave of change you will find yourself beneath it. For the past 4 weeks that overused motivational phrase has been my compass as all of the employees of Schrock from our web developers to our technicians have come together to launch a new chapter in Schrock Innovations history.

As many of you may have heard on the radio Saturday, I launched Schrock’s 2006 Back to School Sale. For the first time ever, we are now carrying notebook computers in stock. While I could bore you with all of the logistics and reasons we have not done this in the past, I think it is much more interesting to explain why it is important for the future.

Schrock Lands its First National Web Development Customer

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: May 31st, 2006

I am proud to announce that the National Council on Economic Education has selected Schrock Innovations to perform a significant upgrade to their website, http://www.econedlink.org. The NCEE website allows teachers to look for or submit lesson plans for multiple grade levels designed to educate kids about economics.

Schrock Innovations placed a bid with the New York non-profit organization to rewrite their current ColdFusion website in PHP with a MySQL backend. We will also be developing a new lesson plan development tool that will allow NCEE employees, volunteers, and interns to design web pages that display lesson plans in a WYSIWYG (What You See is What You Get) environment.

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