2009 Holiday Special Commercial On the Air

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: October 12th, 2009

Excitement is building for the launch of our 2009 Holiday Special computer featuring Windows 7 and a solid state hard drive.

With the launch party coming up on Saturday the 17th in our Lincoln Service Center, our commercials promoting the new system started running this week on TV and radio.

The official specifications will be released soon on the Schrock Innovations website, but until then watch this commercial to get a sneak peek at the most advanced computer available in Nebraska this Holiday Season!

Do You Want a New Monitor or Not?

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: September 25th, 2009

I had a little debate today with some of the staff about Schrock’s 2009 Holiday Special system.

We have always offered a complete system (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers) for $1499 in past sales. We have offered a tower-only option for $200 less, dropping the price to $1299.

So here is the question…

Do we advertise the Holiday Special as a $1299.99 tower only system and then offer the monitor and accessories as separate items for purchase or do we assume that most people will want the accessories, market it at $1499 and then offer the take-away discount?

If you Were Buying a New PC Right Now

If you were in the process of buying a new PC right now would you want to replace your monitor and accessories for the $200 or would you fly with what you have?

Schrock Innovations Holiday Special Prototypes Under Construction

  • Comments: 1
  • Written on: September 23rd, 2009

top_secret_holiday_computer_2009We have been hard at work for the past few weeks designing the Schrock Innovations 2009 Holiday System, and the first prototype testing is underway.

This year’s Holiday Special will feature 2 new technologies that have never before been used in a Schrock build. The result is a new Modular PC that is faster (not seconds faster but STUNNINGLY faster) more reliable, and better prep[ared for tomorrow’s technology than ever before.

What is the Holiday Special?

Schrock’s Holiday Specials are always highly anticipated because the systems push the limits of technology at an unbelievable price. We offer a complete system (including monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse, and speakers) for only $1,499.

These systems are configured with amazing specifications. This is not the typical Dell up-sell routine, where you are lured in for $499 and end up spending way more than you planned.

These computers are configured to rock your PC experience with no modification required.

This year’s Holiday Special Modular PC is no exception. We are keeping the exact details close to the vest at the moment, but I can tell you it will be running Windows 7.

Faster than Anyone Expects

ONe of the big reasons we are so excited for the 2009 Holiday Special is because one of the new pieces of technology we are introducing will bring MASSIVE speed increases to the table that will be unavailable anywhere else in Nebraska (even by special order form Dell).

This new technology will unleash AMAZING speed that most computer users have only imagined. In our tests this technology has cut processes that used to take HOURS down to mere minutes.

We get excited whenever a system we produce can dramatically improve a PC users’ experience. To put it bluntly we have not a game-changing PC since we introduced Lincoln to Windows XP and LCD displays ion 2001. This system will be just as revolutionary.

Reliable Beyond Anything You Have Imagined

The 2009 Holiday Special is going to be faster than anything we have ever built before at Schrock, but it is also the most reliable system we have ever built.

This system runs COOLER (temperature wise) than any previous computer we have built, even though it sports a quad core processor. Because it runs cooler, it also uses LESS POWER than other quad core systems we have released in 2009.

Another new pieces of technology cuts the odds of a PC breakdown by an amazing 75%. This PC has more up-time, less lag time, ind its overall cost of ownership is dramatically lower over its expected 8-year lifespan.

Power for Today and Potential for Tomorrow

As always, this Schrock system is Modular. That means your computer has everything it needs to meet your demands today, and it can grow with you as your needs change in the future.

Schrock Innovations is the only company in the country that offers Modular computers, and that is why our Holiday Special systems last more than 8 years while other manufacturers are lucky to get three years out of their builds.

How Can You Learn More About This Computer?

Unfortunately, you will have to wait a little while longer before we let everything out of the bag. But there are some things you can do to make sure you catch the tidbits when we do let them out.

  1. Subscribe to the RSS Feed on this blog. You’ll get an email as soon as we release anything.
  2. Follow me on Twitter – I am prone to moments of weakness. If something slips, it will happen here
  3. Get on Schrock Innovation’s mailing list – Contact Schrock and ask to be added. It’s free and rumor has it there is a coupon involved 🙂
  4. Listen to Compute This every week. Chris Goforth has a way of getting me to talk

Watch the Ultimate Upgrade in Action

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  • Written on: April 14th, 2009

Yesterday I posted about Schrock Innovation’s Ultimate Upgrade Sale and a few readers have asked me to shoot a video of the computer to show off some of the components that were used.

I have been crazy busy the past few days, so I have not even had the chance to edit any of the HOURS of video from the construction of the new Service Center yet. Nevertheless, here is the next best thing:

This is the commercial that will start airing today on Channel 10/11 in Lincoln about the special. This is the first time we have ever used television to promote a specific offer, so it should be interesting to see how it goes. What do you think of the spot?

Ultimate Upgrade Computer Sale Kicks off Today!

  • Comments: 2
  • Written on: April 13th, 2009

For those of you new to my blog, the Ultimate Upgrade sale is a special offer that we make only once each year. During the sale you can trade in your old, tired computer tower for a brand new Modular Computer from Schrock for only $449!

Next to our annual Holiday sale, this is the most popular computer offering we have all year. Our customers ove the Ultimate Upgrade because they get a $700 computer for only $449 by trading in their old system.

Schrock Innovations’ New Yellow Page Ads Hit the Streets

  • Comments: 4
  • Written on: December 29th, 2008

We maintained our advertisement in the web design section of the phone book, maintained our advertisement in the computer repair section, and added a small top-of-mind awareness ad on the cover of the smaller companion phone book.

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