Teabagging in America and the Role of Your Federal Government

  • Comments: 13
  • Written on: April 15th, 2009

I think it is safe to say that we are all living in a pivotal time in American history for a number of reasons. Right now we are experiencing the biggest changes in the behavior of the US Government since the birth of the progressive movement in the early 20th century brought us a new social contract (i.e. Social Security, the New Deal, etc..)

Today there are hundreds of Tea Parties taking place all over the country to protest government taxation and how the federal government spends the funds it takes in (or lately borrows from China).

I initially was planning on writing a post today about the Tea Parties and why they are going to be a significant event that our children will read about in their high school text books – not because they will be pivotal in their own right, but because they are marking the beginning of a grassroots reversal against the progressive movement that has brought us to this point.

When Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated no one really realized that that single spark was all that was needed to ignite the powder key that was World War I. I have no doubt that these Tea Parties are a spark in the consciousness of the American people. The question is will that spark ignite anything?

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