Windows XP is Officially Dead
- Comments: 13
- Written on: October 23rd, 2010
As of October 22, 2010 computer manufacturers (including local OEM companies like Schrock Innovations) are no longer permitted to install Windows XP as a primary operating system on new computers.
The only exception to this is if the customer buys a newer operating system on the computer like Windows 7, and then buys a second license for XP and downgrades the system. This option will be supported through 2015.
With that said, the days of getting XP systems from Dell, HP or any other business provider are officially over.
In fact, and computer builder, local or otherwise, who tells you they can still build you a new Windows XP PC that is properly licensed with Microsoft is lying to you. Unless you buy 2 operating systems it can’t be done legitimately. (and trust me, you don’t want to call Microsoft’s bluff on licensing or stuff like this can happen to your company.)
One of the most popular questions I get on my radio show (now available free on iTunes) is when will XP be dead? I guess this is the final answer.
Windows 7 Will Offer Virtualized XP!
- Comments: 1
- Written on: May 11th, 2009
I know some people reading this just said virtu-what? In English, Microsoft has announced that in Windows 7 you will actually be able to run Windows XP as a program – just like you would run Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word.
The Windows XP Virtualization will be available in Windows 7 Professional and Ultimate only – lower versions will not support the feature.
How to Solve Common Windows XP Errors
- Comments: 2
- Written on: March 27th, 2009
The difference between computing bliss and a blue-screen tragedy can be as simple as a bad driver, a new piece of hardware, or the latest software update.
Windows users fall victim to any number of blue screen error messages that can transform a once powerful computer into a helpless doorstop. Fortunately, many of the most common hardware errors can be diagnosed and resolved with little more than a quick web search and some troubleshooting skills.
In this post, we will address some of the most common Windows blue screen errors, tell you what causes them and how you can resolve them yourself.
Vista’s Bad Rap – Can the Facts Overcome Marketing Anymore?
- Comments: 5
- Written on: November 7th, 2008
While Windows XP still has its place with portable computer users who appreciate its lightweight hardware requirements, consumers buying a standard tower desktop system should insist on Windows Vista.
Migrating the Dell Inspiron 1721 From Vista to Windows XP
- Comments: 0
- Written on: May 28th, 2008
If you are in the same boat and need your Dell Inspiron 1721 and want to run Windows Vista instead of Windows XP, here are some of the drivers you will need to get the job done.
Dell Inspiron 1721 Notebook – Rollback from Vista to XP
- Comments: 47
- Written on: March 31st, 2008
Word of that success made its way from Nebraska all the way to Pennsylvania where a Vista-strapped Dell Inspiron 1721 longed to run Windows X instead. The owner of that notebook decided to ship it all the way to Nebraska to have our technicians take a crack at migrating it back to Windows XP, even though Dell would not provide XP drivers for the unit.
This Week’s Cool Free Software – Turn Your Start Button into a Weather Report!
- Comments: 0
- Written on: September 30th, 2007
Every week I try to bring you some neat piece of free software that is just plain neat. One thing that everyone appreciates is an unobtrusive and accurate weather widget for Windows XP!
Since the dawn of online weather, people have always been excited by a weather widget on their computers. Unfortunately, most of the widgets out there that provide accurate forecasts are also packed full of spyware and other nastiness.
Last night I found a new weather widget that was pretty unique. It actually changes the text on your Start button (Windows XP only) to be the current temperature and conditions outside. Everyone knows what the Start button is for, so why not make use of the space, right?
I ran a complete scan of my PC after installing the widget and I have confirmed that the installation is spyware free.
The only marginal aspect of this widget is the search bar it ads to your Internet Explorer browser. If you use FireFox, you will not notice anything different, AND you will get the awesome widget in your start button.
Go ahead and give it a try and let me know what you think. It does have an uninstaller, so if you don’t like it, just open Add/Remove programs and remove it.
If you know of any cool free software you would like to have featured on this blog, let me know and I will test it out!
The Vista Compatibility Dance Begins…
- Comments: 3
- Written on: September 27th, 2006
Each time Microsoft releases a “bigger and better” operating system, it seems that someones favorite program is obsoleted because it is not compatible with the latest version of Windows. While Microsoft’s efforts at improving the compatibility mode settings in Windows Vista will help programs, many others will simply not work with Windows Vista.
A new Wiki posted on lists a number programs that work well with Windows Vista. However more importantly, it also lists programs that have minor issues with Vista, or that are completely incompatible. I have compiled a short list of some of the more popular programs that appeared on their list here. Is your favorite program Vista compatible?
To Vista or Not to Vista – That is the Question in January
- Comments: 1
- Written on: July 19th, 2006
Between now and January – and even a bit beyond that – I will probably be asked a thousand times if it is wise to immediately purchase Microsoft’s new operating system, Windows Vista, as soon as it is released.
My answer is always that the pioneers are the ones who take the arrows, so sometimes it’s ok to wait a couple months so you know if the product lives up to the marketing hype. While this was true of Windows XP (remember Service Packs 1, 1a, and 2?) it will be an even greater concern in Vista. Many pieces of Vista have been completely rebuilt from the ground up to be more secure and stable according to Microsoft, but the new code is fresh and not tested to the extent that Windows XP’s core has been over time.